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Washington had two strong personalities in his cabinet with differing views of how the government should develop from this point on Ð Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton, who had the support of Washington, took a loose view of the Constitution and envisioned a strong central federal government; hence, his faction was called the Federalists. Meanwhile, Jefferson was a strict constructionist. This meant he was not a fan of the federal government having powers that were not explicitly stated in the Constitution. His faction was called the Democratic-Republicans.

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Q: How and why did the political consensus prevailing at the time of washingtons first inauguration fracture into a two-party system by 1796?
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Must like other countries India has to sit down with those political officials and come to a consensus. A consensus is a general agreement between all parties concerned. It is these political officials that decide who will be the next Candidate.

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In Canada, the territorial governments of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut also operate on a consensus model, unlike the oppositional political party structure that prevails elsewhere in Canada.

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In Canada, the territorial governments of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut also operate on a consensus model, unlike the oppositional political party structure that prevails elsewhere in Canada.

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