We get to vote the legislators into office, after that we have to contact our representatives by phone, fax, email or mail to let them know what we think.
Citizens are involved by voting for senators and writing letters or contacting your senator or congressman about your issue so they can be addressed to the house of Representatives when your state Representative goes to Washington DC
Citizens are also involved by voting for your state senators and congressmen. Also by contacting or writing to your state Representative about your issues or concerns so they can be addressed and fixed when your state Representative goes to Washington, DC when they go to the house of representative's
i think its because you will vote fo your presedent and might not like the one that is chosen but at least we have somebody taking care of our country
Both Houses of the US Congress are elected by their vote to represent them.
You can run for office (if you qualify) - you can vote, or withhold your vote, for a candidate.
The entire legislative branch in the US on the federal and state levels is voted into office by the people, the individual voting citizens of the US.
the structure and role of the legislative branch
The branch of the government that has the greatest role in protection of individual liberties is the legislative. This is the branch that is deemed to have close interaction with citizens.
the legislative branch
the legislative branch was created by a tree
The citizens of the united states elect the legislative branch (the house of Representatives and the Senate).
Legislative branch of government is Parliament. Member of Parliament are elected by the citizens of a country. They also can be called representatives.
The legislative branch makes the laws that we, as American citizens, abide by. They can also declare war and impeach.
The entire legislative branch in the US on the federal and state levels is voted into office by the people, the individual voting citizens of the US.
You participate in the legislative branch every time you vote for a candidate running for office. OR - you can choose to run for office yourself.
Legislative Branch of Government
Legislative (novanet)!
The Legislative Branch(:
The Legislative branch (Congress).