Cultures can be destroyed and eladicated in many ways, whih are as follows:
threaten the enviorment
trying to find the answer too.
People can earn money
World War II
Destroyed all the cultures that were here, killed a majority of the people, and stole their land.
Many cultures are being destroyed by others coming in and taking over
They helped get rid of the residential schools, which destroyed native cultures and haunted many people.
Ancient societies were either completely destroyed by conquerers or lost their homogeny to other cultures.
Because, it always ends up with the same results. It all ways end up with destruction to lives and cultures.... ;)
There were many cultures in Mexico at the time when Cortes made first contact with them. Some of them include Mayans, Tlaxcalans, Cholultec and Aztecs. The Aztec civilization was utterly destroyed by Cortez and his Tlaxcalan allies.
Colonization affected mayan culture in a neggative way.
There are many cultures in Toronto. There are a variety of cultures to look at.
destroyed = zerstört destroyed = verwüstet
Funny how a 13 year old nows this. Anyway, Colonization was never a good thing it always resulted the same way, Cultures and lives being destroyed. Thats basically all...
That is a very racist viewpoint. At the moment it is the developing world that is destroying the earth, they are not taking not of the manifest damage caused by earlier cultures and that is not a very clever position to be in. All races suffer form "greed".