In the United States the president is chosen mostly by the Electoral College (a select group of people from each state), though the citizen votes are looked at also, they are not as "important".
George W. Bush won the Electoral College, but lost the popular vote. The elections of Rutherford B. Hayes and Benjamin Harrison displayed the same disparity.
elections, '80s
The United States president must win three different elections. These elections include the party elections that allow a candidate to become the party flag bearer, the general elections, and the Electoral College elections.
U.S. national elections take place on the first or second Tueday of November. State elections and primary elections take place at various times. May is a common choice for local elections.
George Washington was a very succesful man in the war and was elected president Sign Donovan Thomas
Felipe Calderon Hinojosa (term: 2006-2012) won such elections.
Obama won.
Theodore Roosevelt
All of the world doesn't have elections. Pick a place.
Since India won its independence and started the Lok Sabha elections, over 560 women have won seats. The highest number of elected women came in the 2009 elections when 58 women were admitted to the House.
The Democratic party founded by Jackson won six elections. After the Civil War, the modern Democratic party emerged and they have won the presidency 15 times.
Consecutive federal elections are elections that occur back-to-back; all elections are consecutive unless they are unprecedented or abolished after being held once. Usually, the term is used in the context of election victories. If a party wins consecutive federal elections, it has won several elections without interruption. For example, in Canada, the Progressive Conservative Party won the federal election of 1984 and was re-elected at the next election in 1988. It thus won consecutive federal elections.
He won presidential elections in 2006 and was re-elected in elections 2009.
Barack Obama.
A puppy!
The party that won the majority in the elections choses a person who will be the Prime-minister.
The European People's Party (EPP) won with 265 seats.