Maybe he dumped the shells (a stupid move for any assasin) but then again looking at the facts he had a .38 Special Smith and Weston Model 10 that he bought along with the Caracano that was used in the attempt on General Walkers life a few years before JFK assasination. The Model 10 holds 6 rounds in the cylinder, he fired four. So that's saying that he hand ejected four shells left 2 live rounds in and started to reload. To keep in mind Lee H. Oswald was an ex Marine, so he would have been trained to keep a fully loaded sidearm, maybe as he remembered his training started to reload fearing that that other officers were near by and another firefight would insue, as he was reloading perhaps he panicked and ran ( there are reports of a man running at top pin with a revolver in hand) he was found with the weapon in his possesion. A funny fact he was a terrible shot in the Marines, he missed the General from 100 yards.
Because the shell casing were from a 38 Auto, not from a revolver. Oswald did not kill JD Tippit. The killer of JD Tippit was CIA assassin David Morales. Both the rifle and the guns alleged to Oswald are CIA plants. The picture of Oswald in the back yard holding a rifle and a handgun at his waist is really a picture of Roscoe White, who was both a DPD officer & CIA assassin.
One person. Lee Harvey Oswald was the only person involved in his death.
It appears that the question refers to the assassinated US President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK ) Kennedy was the 35th US President. He won the 1960 presidential election by successfully winning the contest with the Vice President Rchard M. Nixon under President Eisenhower for 8 years. In Dallas on November 22, 1963, JFK was assassinated. A Federal Commision investigated the killing and came to the conclusion that one individual acting alone, namely Lee Harvey Oswald was the killer. Reportedly he hated JFK. To his luck, he found out that the man he hated was going to ride right past the place where he worked. ( luck my butt ) The odds of that happening are quite small. No sharpshooter was able to duplicate firing 3 shots with a ww2 rifle at a moving target and hitting the target. Another piece of "luck" was that a low life Mafia associated Dallas man felt so terrible over JFK's death and hated Oswald so much, he killed Oswald right in the Dallas Police force garage as Oswald was being transported to jail. The man later died in prison from cancer. Case closed as Oswald never went to trial.
Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK from a window in the Texas Book Depository at Dealy Plaza in Dallas, TX on Friday, November 22nd, 1963.
John O'Sullivan said that the US destiny was to end world hunger, free the slaves, to carry a big stick, kill Lee Harvey Oswald, kill the Nazis, carry a big stick, and charity for all.
Presidents who were assassinated and their assassinsAbraham Lincoln: April 14, 1865 shot by John Wilkes Booth (died April 15)James Garfield: July 2, 1881 shot by Charles Guiteau (died September 19)William McKinley: September 6, 1901 shot by Leon Czolgosz (died September 14)John Kennedy: November 22, 1963 shot by Lee Harvey Oswald
Lee Oswald's rifle and revolver are stored in a secure location in the National Archives of the US.
Oswald was arrested, but not for the assassination of the President. On November 22, 1963, about 45 minutes after the shooting at Dealey Plaza, Oswald had been stopped by Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit for questioning. He shot and killed the officer at point blank range. Shortly thereafter, Oswald was arrested as the suspect in the shooting of the police officer. He was in possession of a .38 caliber revolver (which ballistics later matched to the bullet that killed Officer Tippit). When Oswald was brought to the police station, a group of employees of the Texas School Book Depository were there giving their statements as witnesses to the shooting in Dealey Plaza. They knew Oswald and pointed him out to police. Following up information from these witnesses, Oswald was formally charged with assassinating President Kennedy. Oswald was held for two days at Dallas Police Headquarters, at which time he was to be transported to the jail. As they were leaving police headquarters on November 24, Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby. Oswald never made it to the jail.
Ruby shot Oswald with a .38 revolver. Not much online as to the exact type of ammunition...
Oswald killed Kennedy and a police officer named Tippit.
When Oswald ran form the Texas School Book depository, he didn't hide. He was stopped on the street. About 45 minutes after the shooting at Dealey Plaza, Oswald was stopped by Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit for questioning. He shot and killed the officer at point blank range. He was seen by witnesses going in to a movie theater, where he was arrested.He was arrested in possession of a .38 caliber revolver (which ballistics later matched to the bullet that killed Officer Tippit). He was arrested for the murder of Officer Tippit.It was when he was taken to police headquarters, a group of employees of the Texas School Book Depository were there giving their statements as witnesses to the shooting in Dealey Plaza. They knew Oswald and pointed him out to police. Following up information from these witnesses, Oswald was formally charged with assassinating President Kennedy.
J. D. Tippit
.38 caliber used by Jack Ruby to kill Lee Harvey Oswald
Oswald killed a police officer, was later arrested. While being moved from the city jail, he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby.
Yep, he sure did. 5 out of 6 shots went right into Officer J.D. Tippit's gut.
The officer that John F. Kennedy's shooter killed was Dallas Police Department officer J.D. Tippit. Tippit was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald approximately 45 minutes after the assassination of President Kennedy.
The Warren Commission believed that it was Lee Harvey Oswald.
Yes, within hours of the Kennedy assassination he killed a police officer called J. D. Tippit. He was soon arrested for the shooting and quickly suspected of being involved in the murder of President Kennedy.