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Both the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights focus on limiting state tyranny. They were both written around the same time and by the same people essentially.

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Q: How are the declaration of independence and the bill of rights alike and different?
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How are common sense and the declaration of induependence alike. and ow are they different?

they both wanted freedom

What font did the Declaration of Independence use?

The "fairly engrossed" (i.e. neatly written) official copy with the signatures of 56 representatives of the 13 colonies which ratified it, and whose general appearance is familiar to most Americans, was handwritten with a feather quill pen by clerk Timothy Matlack primarily in a style of lettering we now call copperplate or roundhand, with the first line in a simple Roman style, and the second line and some additional words in a style called blackletter. The first mechanically-printed copies of the Declaration, 200 of which were printed the night of July 4-5, 1776 by John Dunlap and now known as the "Dunlap Broadsides", at least 26 of which still exist, were printed in a typeface called Caslon, which is still popular today. There are several computer fonts available for replicating the general style of the fairly engrossed Declaration. These include AL Patriot, American Scribe, National Archive, P22 Declaration Script, P22 Declaration Alternate, P22 Declaration Blackletter, US Declaration and vLetter Declaration. Beware that if you want to exactly duplicate the Declaration, only American Scribe and National Archive include the obsolete character known as the "long s", which appears several times in the Declaration. For replicating the look of the Dunlap Broadsides, there are many official versions of Caslon and many Caslon look-alike fonts available.

How were political rights in the Greek Democracy unequal?

Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century BC in the Greek city-state .... Also excluded from voting were citizens whose rights were under suspension ..... of democracy: 'it distributes a sort of equality to equal and unequal alike'.

How are the federalists and the democratic republicans alike?

Although they had different views on the power of central government, they had the greater good of the country in mind.

How was Boss Tweed alike and different from other big city bosses?


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How were Common Sense and Declaration of Independence alike?

By they signs something and Thomas wrote a pamphlet

How is the Bill of rights and the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence all alike?

Well they both state citizen rights of people. There was a big history of human rightsof black and whites. im sorry if i didnt give enough information! im only in 6th grade! -Elain Fredricksona

How are common sense and the declaration of induependence alike. and ow are they different?

they both wanted freedom

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They were alike because they worked in plantations and they are different because proprietors also controlled many southern colonies

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They were alike because they worked in plantations and they are different because proprietors also controlled many southern colonies

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I think that no one is the same because everyone has there own rights and they all look different because they all have different parents. Also people from other cultures are not the same.

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The answer depends on what they are meant to be alike and different from!

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i think alike

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No, They are not alike as they have different size, features. There might be a similarity but in my view they arent alike. There food is different, there way of living is also different so in my opinion they are not alike.

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Fractions are alike if they have the same denominators; otherwise they are different.

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they are alike because they are different columns of digits and they are different because they have different. ddf