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Ethnic pride is simply taking pride in one's cultural heritage. However, it can easily become ethnocentrism when one's own culture and ethnicity is seen as superior to or more important than others.

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Q: How can ethnic pride become enthnocetrism?
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What does ethnic pride mean?

Ethnic Pride means to be proud of who you are. No matter what nationality you have , you're proud of yourself.

What is Ethnic Pride?

why u asking me

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you don't pride went out of business you can go to dream tho its like pride and its owned by the same people your truly -The Hitman-

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A male lion must defeat the current leader in a fight to win control of the pride.

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Dignity and pride.

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Lion cubs typically live with their pride until they are around two years old. At that age, they start to become more independent and may eventually leave the pride to establish their own territory and pride.

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Strep throat does not affect any ethnic group, thankfully. Mankind has become beautiful due to variety of ethnic groups. Imagine a society, where every body is your photocopy!

What was The Lion King's challenge?

his challenge was to return to the pride lands and become king.

Why is Nativism bad?

Nativism is a form of racism. While one can have pride in their country, one must not discriminate against an ethnic group simply because theywere not born there.