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there are no governments.....only George West

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Q: How can governments intervene in trade?
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What are the two key methods the governments use to intervene in foreign trade?

war and sanctions.

How do governments limit trade with other countries?

Trade Barrier

Why public intervention differ from economy to economy?

Because governments usually intervene in the economy based on the selective requirements of the public .

Discuss the lack of resolve among the western governments to intervene against authoritarianism in the interwar era?

Mrs. Lavey is a hard teacher....

How did the United America intervene in latin America during the cold war?

It helped overthrow several communist-leaning governments. :)

How did the United states intervene in latin America during the cold war?

It helped overthrow several communist-leaning governments. :)

What did the monroe doctrine warn European nations to?

THey were warned not to colonise in the New World and not to intervene in the governments of America (both North and South, and later Central).

How is intervene spelled?

Intervene is spelled like this...Intervene

What did Benito Juarez do to become popular with foreign governments?

he did a bunch of trade

On what characteristics can all governments be classified by?

political reasons, trade and other ways

Methods governments can use to promote international trade?

subsidies, export financing, foreign trade zone and special government agencies

Three factors that caused US forces to intervene in Latin American governments were?

Three factors that caused United States forces to intervene in Latin American governmentsGermany threatened to invadeMexicans revolted against their governmentPancho Villa fled to Mexico