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The election of officials occurred only during the 482-year period of the Roman Republic. During the subsequent 503-year period of rule by emperors (27BC-476 AD), officials were appointees of the emperors.

During the Republic citizens also voted on bills. In the Early Republic the soldiers convened in the Assembly of the Soldiers and voted on bills proposed by the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Republic). Later, the plebeians (commoners) convened in the Plebeian Council (the assembly of the plebeians) voted on bills proposed by the plebeian tribunes.

The Assembly of the Soldiers elected the senior officials and voted on war and peace. It also acted as an appeal court for death penalty cases until 82 BC. The Assembly of the Tribes (administrative districts), which convened all citizens, elected the junior officials and acted as a court of appeal for all other cases until 82 BC. In 82 BC appeal cases were transferred to a special jury court, the quaestiones perpetuae.

There were also the plebeian tribunes who were elected by the Plebeian Council, presided over this assembly and were the representatives of the plebeians. They were not officers of state. Through their role as representatives of the plebeians and with the Plebeian Council becoming the legislative body, they could have a lot of power.

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They could run for a position in the government.

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Q: How can people participate in a democratic government aside from voting?
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How do citizens in a republic participate in government?

Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.

What is the definition of prospective voting?

The definition of prospective voting is a democratic process where voters will choose a party that suits what they expect from the government. People express their expectations from the government that would come into power in the future.

What is the home of the first democratic constitution?

Well each form of government is unique but the first democracy was definitely Greece. The united states doesn't count because they are a republic contrary to what many people say. Our voting system is democratic but the government is not.

What ways can the us population not directly participate in the government?

Voting, Attending Legislative Sessions, and Protesting

What is most closely related to a democratic form of government?

A democratic form of government requires all citizens to participate and to have meaningful dialog civic issues.. Democracy appeared in Athens in the 4th century BCE. However, only 10% of males were citizens. Women, slaves and others could not participate. Historically, as Greece matured, the city states began hostilities resulting in a tyranny (strong man).

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What is one of the main ways that citizens can participate in a democratic government?

One way that a citizen can participate in a democracy is by voting for politicians.

What makes a government democratic?

A democratic government is made by the willingness and ability of the governed to participate in the way in which their government is run. This may include the elections of leaders or the voting on particular issues through referendums.

What are the disadvatages of democratic government?

voting the wrong people into goverment

Which civic responsibility is MOST related to the principle of popular sovereignty?

The civic responsibility most related to the principle of popular sovereignty is voting. Popular sovereignty means that the power of the government comes from the people, and voting allows individuals to exercise their power to elect representatives and participate in the democratic process. By voting, citizens have a direct role in shaping their government and ensuring that it reflects the will of the people.

How do citizens in a republic participate in government?

Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.

Do citizens participate in government's decision making?

Indirectly citizens participate in government by elections and by lobbying their representatives (congressmen in the USA). Not every country has democratic government that permits such participation. which is also kown as a direct democracy.

How do citizen participate in republic government?

Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.Citizens participate in governing by voting and running for public office.

How is the leader of Namibia chosen?

Leaders of political parties participate in a democratic Poll voting...

3 ways that people can legally participate in their government?

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It is chosen by a democratic voting of the people. They choose representatives and a Prime Minister.

How can you participate in your government?

by voting, understanding problem and expressing your opinions

What responsibility exercises peoples right to self government?

The responsibility of voting, is the means by which people exercise their democratic rights.