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They help us swim!

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Q: How did Benjamin's Swim Fins impact the world today?
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What was Benjamin Franklins first invention?

Benjamin Franklin's first invention were wooden flippers. He made them for his hands and feet to help him swim better. He was 8 years old when he invented them.Ben franklins 1st invention were wooden flippers made when he was 8.

What were the weapons used in the Vietnam war by the north vietmese airforce?

In 1957 North Vietnamese student pilots began their training on the obsolete "Korean War vintage" MIG-15 jet fighters, starting with the two-seater models (student & instructor). As well as Yak-18 (CJ-6 Red Chinese models). In 1960 North Vietnamese pilots were sent to Red China for conversion training to the MIG-17 jet fighter. By 1962, the first batch of MIG-17 trained pilots arrived back into North Vietnam. In 1967 two thirds of trained MIG-17 pilots were assigned to MIG-21 jet fighters. The "Krasnodar" Flight School in the Soviet Union, was the primary airbase used by North Vietnamese student pilots. Red Chinese training bases were closer to North Vietnam, and scattered all along the border. The North Vietnamese Air Force never exceeded more than 200 (MIG-17's, MIG-19's, and MIG-21's) jet aircraft at any one time. The first jets were the MIG-17's armed with strictly 23mm or 37mm cannons, and with the exception of their extra length, and extended 24 inch 90 degree wings starting at the fuselage, before the wings began their swept wing angles, and three "fences" (small fins on top of each wing), instead of two; the MIG-17 looked just like a MIG-15. The MIG-17's also could carry two 250lb bombs, and on 19 April 1972 attacked the destroyer USS Higbee, destroying the 5" after gun-mount with a direct hit. Three US Sailors were wounded, none killed, fortunately the destroyer's gun turret crew were performing other missions at the time, and the after gun turret was vacated when it was struck by the MIG's 250 bomb. The North Vietnamese MIG-19 (J-6 Red Chinese model) was supplied in small numbers, approximately 50 of them in 1969. It was a twin engined single seat jet fighter, set up much the same as the US F-4 Phantom's twin engines (coupled together within the fuselage). Armed with 30mm cannons, the MIG-19 was on par with the USAF F-100 Supersabre jet fighter. It was one of these aircraft that shot down the only USAF F-104 Starfighters in aerial combat, albeit not a North Vietnamese pilot, but a Red Chinese MIG-19 (J-6) when the Starfighter strayed to close to Hainan Island (off of the North Vietnamese Coast) in 1965. The damaged Starfighter was still flyable and managed to get "missile tone" on the MIG-19, and just as the Starfighter began to press his firing button, his engine died, and he was forced to eject. He was released as a POW in 1972. (Ref: "Journey Into Darkness", by LTC Philip Smith). The North Vietnamese MIG-21 was primarily a missile armed "delta winged" jet looking much like the US F-102 Delta Dagger, the same jet flown by President George Bush, while serving with the Texas Air National Guard. The MIG-21 shot down (with a missile) the only F-102 Delta Dagger in aerial combat, it's pilots did not survive. North Vietnamese MIG-17 pilots averaged sixty five rounds of 37mm and two hundred and forty seven rounds of 23mm ammunition per aerial kill in 1965. By 1967 the MIG pilot's had attained more experience, and lowered their expenditure to only 43 rounds and 150 cannon shells per aerial kill. The most common tactic deployed against US fighter bombers was for the MIG-21 pilots to engage US planes as they commenced their bombing runs, while the MIG-17's engaged the same US bombers when they were pulling out of their dives. Later in the war, US F-4 Phantoms would fly "MIG Caps" in which they would circle the US Bombers, and attack any MIG's that went for the bombers. Probably, due to the technical maintenance of the MIG-19's TWIN engines, the MIG-17's and the MIG-21's were the most common North Vietnamese jet aircraft engaged during the war. (Ref: MiG-17 and MiG-21 Units of the Vietnam War, by Istvan Toperczer; 2001. ISBN 1-84176-162-1).

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Dried shark fins are fins that have been harvested from sharks, then cleaned, dried, and often traded for culinary purposes. They are a key ingredient in shark fin soup, considered a delicacy in some cultures. Concerns have been raised about the impact of shark finning on shark populations and marine ecosystems.

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There are a wide range of different fins available for scuba diving. Other than dive fins, these include fins such as snorkel fins, paddle fins and split fins.

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Yes, the halibut does have fins. It has multiple fins.

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Large fins are fins that are large, in size. They are the opposite of small fins, and they are somewhat larger than medium fins. They are just a bit smaller than XL fins.

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The flaps on a fish are called fins, which help the fish to maintain balance, steer, and move through water. There are different types of fins on a fish, such as dorsal fins, pectoral fins, pelvic fins, anal fins, and caudal fins.

What are paired fins?

Paired fins are fins found in pairs on both sides of a fish's body. These fins play a crucial role in stability, maneuvering, and steering. Examples of paired fins include pectoral fins and pelvic fins.

How would debris in the condenser fins impact the performance of the Air condition system?

Debris in the condenser fins can reduce airflow, insulating the fins and preventing the release of heat from the refrigerant. This can lead to reduced cooling efficiency, increased energy consumption, and potential damage to the compressor due to overheating. Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial to ensure optimal performance of the air conditioning system.

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4 fins