It showed an act of rebellion towards the British Crown and the crazy taxes they put on all sorts of items including tea. It was a main fire-starter for the American Revolution War.
NC fought for independence from England
They helped to fight and start mini rebellions.
lord north was the prime minister of great Britain and led them into war with the American colonies
Natives strongly supported the British side. Natives saw the American Revolution as their last chance to win back North America. When the British government showed up they gave natives weapons so they would attack the colonist. Natives who were on the losing side suffered greatly after the Revolution. The U.S. government took land in a rapid pace after the revolution.
What role did phyllis wheatly play in the american revolution
It made people angry, as massacres often do.
American Revolution
She was the first women to write the History of the American Revolution
He served in the army.
The American Revolution helped shpae our country to what ti is today. The American Revolution is where the Patriots fought for their right to be independent from Britain.
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NC fought for independence from England
They helped to fight and start mini rebellions.
in 1744 to 1768