After the Revolutionary War, the Us was an independent country and Britain had no authority to levy taxes or to collect them in the US. Of course, Britain continued to collect taxes from the remainder of its Empire.
"what you cannot enforce, do not command
Leading up to the Revolution, Britain attempted to impose the Stamp Act, and enforce duties on sugar and molasses. Britain passed the Currency Act because they wanted payment in British pounds sterling rather than colonial currency.
the job is not to enforce the laws but to make them.
Federalists thought it was essential for the government to enforce taxes
No, it demonstrated the governments willingness to enforce rules.
Because they were good enough to break it
Teachers should enforce the classroom rules.
By a unilateral declaration of independance and by fighting a war to enforce that declaration.
Trade secrets require some amount of effort by a business to protect them legally. Copyrights are easy to obtain legally, but difficult to enforce in practice. Patents are somewhat difficult and often expensive to obtain and enforce. Trademarks are easy to obtain but not always easy to enforce.
Penis in ur mouth
Enforce the rights of fathers see link below
Salutary neglect
Salutary neglect
The goals of the delaration are honorable but difficult to enforce
social attitudes can make laws difficult to enforce
to enforce the idea that the colonists are already a sovereign nation