George Eastman killed himself due to depression from pain of degenerating spinal cord.
Yes, George Eastman is is George Eastman's real name. By the way, it's "Is George Eastman his real name"
George Eastman had two older sisters. One of his older sisters was in a wheelchair from polio and died when George was only 16 years old.
No he was a high school dropout
HOLA! OK George Eastman dropped out of school at the age of who knows when but when his father passed away when he was young and his mother sold their farm for extra money he had to go to work because the women stayed at home sewing cleaning and cooking that is why or my answer of why he had to drop out of school i believe at 14 hope this helps 1
how did George Bolts wife die
George Eastman
George Eastman's parents were George Eastman and mom was Mari Kalbiourn Eastman
none of them
Yes, George Eastman is is George Eastman's real name. By the way, it's "Is George Eastman his real name"
His Dad was George Eastman and his Mom was Maria Kalbiourn Eastman!
Yes, George Eastman had two sisters named Ellen Maria Eastman and Katie Edith Eastman.
no. george eastman never married.
George Eastman invented a Kodak camera
George Eastman was born on July 12, 1854.
George Eastman
AnswerNope, George Eastman never got married.Kodak founder George Eastman was never married.
george eastman