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Hamilton thought that iy was good but had some flaws and jefferson thought it wasnt a good idea at first

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Q: How did Hamilton and Jefferson differ in their interpretation of the Constitution?
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How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's views toward the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How was John Marshall's interpretation of constitution differ from Thomas Jefferson's?

John Marshall had a loose interpretation of the Constitution while Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict interpretation of it. John Marshall strongly believed in the elastic clause (the necessary and proper clause) which meant: "The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof". So he thought that if a law was needed, then it could be added and adjusted into the Constitution and one didn't have to stick to the exact words of the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict construction of the Constitution, but his actions such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Embargo Act showed loose interpretations because neither one of those were written in the Constitution. He very rarely showed a strict interpretation where he stuck directly to the Constitution, so they really weren't that different in views even though in titles they were.

How did the federalists and the democratic-republicans differ from each other?

Federalists, like Alexander Hamilton wanted to support England, wanted a strong powerful government, a national bank and a loose interpretation of the Coast. On the other hand, Democratic-Republicans disagreed. They wanted to support France, wanted a small federal government, no national bank and a strict interpretation of the Coast.

How do Franklin Mason and Wilson differ in their views about concerns over apparent shortfalls of the constitution?


Which of these is the best description of the judicial review?

(1) declaring invalid laws that violate the U.S. Constitution, (2) asserting the supremacy of federal laws or treaties if they differ from state and local laws, and (3) serving as the final authority on the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

Related questions

How did Hamilton and Jefferson differ in their interpretation if the constitution?

Hamilton was loose, whereas Jefferson was strict in interpreting the Constitution.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's towards the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Jefferson's views toward the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson view's toward the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton's Thomas Jefferson's view towards the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson view towards the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson and views toward the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's and views toward the interpretation of the Constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson's views toward the interpretation of the Constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson views toward interpretation of the Constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and thomas Jefferson's view towards the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's views toward the interpretation of the of the Constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.