Not really. Part of the plan involved high protective tariffs on foreign goods so that American consumers would be more likely to purchase American-made goods. It would also allocate funds for infrastructure improvement (roads and other transportation systems like the Erie Canal). It would create a National Banks to standardize currency. However, may in the south opposed the high tariffs because the benefits from the extra costs would help the industrial North because more people would be purchasing their goods and because improved transportation mostly occurred in the north. They resented the fact that they had to pay more and would not reap the benefits.
the program also created divisions in congress because it was supported most notably by Whig Henry Clay but staunchly opposed by Republican-democrats.
Henry Clay's American System proposed high tariffs and a federal program of public works. According the Clay, the wealth produced by tariffs would enable northerners to buy farm products from the West and the South. The plan didn't work because southerners were not convinced that the plan would benefit them in the long run.
Clay believed that high tariffs helped all regions of the country, not just the north. According to clay, wealth produced by tariffs would enable northerners to buy farm products from the West and the South. The tariff also would provide revenue for the federal government. The government could then use the money to build up roads, bridges, and canals in the south and the west.
Through trade between all sections of the country, those sections would become interdependent on each other and they would unify.
Clay believed that high tariffs helped all regions of the country, not just the north. According to Clay, wealth produced by tariffs would enable northerners to buy farm products from the West and the South. The tariff also would provide revenue for the federal government. The government could then use the money to build up roads, bridges, and canals in the south and the west.
Through trade between all sections of the country, those sections would become interdependent on each other and they would unify.
The township survey system is a way of mapping land. Townships are divided into sections that are 36 square miles in size, and these sections are further subdivided.
they do not represent the interests of any American
This is the system that backs up all the government sections and offices. They are the people behind the government.
He did not like the American system of justice. The American system for DVD players is different than in many other countries.
The civil war was the greatest crisi of the American federal system.
It the Henry believe that a national economy will link the country together.
No relation at all between an Islamic country and an American system. The country is called Islamic country by having majority of its population as Muslim. An American system is applied in any country, Islamic or non Islamic, if they find it better for their economy and society.
He thought it would greatly increase trade, make transportation of goods easier, and would make the migration system seem more interesting.
He thought the country would benefit the American System. In the American System he wanted high tariffs and for the government to build roads and canals.
He thought the country would benefit the American System. In the American System he wanted high tariffs and for the government to build roads and canals.
the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system
System acceptability is important to the functioning of the American government. If the public does not believe the system works, they will not have faith in their government.
The numbering system in public law basically refers to the certain sections that have been divided into subsections. The numbering system helps in distinguishing various sections.
The township survey system is a way of mapping land. Townships are divided into sections that are 36 square miles in size, and these sections are further subdivided.
The numbering system in public law basically refers to the certain sections that have been divided into subsections. The numbering system helps in distinguishing various sections.
The numbering system in public law basically refers to the certain sections that have been divided into subsections. The numbering system helps in distinguishing various sections.