He died of constapation after he stabbed himself he was extremely depressed
the way to Plymouth he went to Rhode Island and died
Becouse roger williams didnt want forced religion
Me! :)
Roger Williams
Roger Q. Williams died in 1976.
Roger Williams died on April 18, 1683 at the age of 79
Roger Williams - theologian - died on 1683-04-01.
Roger Williams died on April 18, 1683 at the age of 79
Go to the official website of Roger.
Massachusetts did banish Roger Williams.
how did roger Williams become a leader
the way to Plymouth he went to Rhode Island and died
Roger Williams, Providence was founded because Roger Williams didn't agree that people should be punished for disagreeing of laws that were made in Boston, Roger Williams was a Minister of Boston.
Roger Williams was born on December 21, 1603.