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The exact date and cause of death for William Maybury is not known. He was a successful businessman and one of the midnight judges.

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Q: How did William Marbury die?
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What is marburys full name in marbury vs madison?

William Marbury

Who was marbury v Madison between?

William Marbury and James Madison. They were fighting over whether or not Marbury and other federalists, appointed by John Adams, would receive their commissions.

Who did William Marbury try to get his commission from?

In Marbury v Madison, 5 US 137 (1803), William Marbury tried to get James Madison to deliver his commission. James Madison, who later became a US President, was Secretary of State under President Thomas Jefferson at the time.

Did William Marbury ever get the commission that Marbury v Madison said he had a right to?

No. In the opinion of the Court, Marshall declared Marbury was entitled to his commission, but that the Supreme Court didn't have original jurisdiction to issue the writ of mandamus Marbury requested. Marshall explicitly stated Marbury would have to refile his case in a lower court first, then appeal to the Supreme Court if he failed to get relief at that level. Marbury never refiled his case.Case Citation:Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137 (1803)For more information, see Related Questions, below.

What did William Marbury want the Supreme Court to do in the case Marbury v Madison?

William Marbury and his fellow plaintiffs wanted the Supreme Court to issue a writ of mandamus (a court order compelling an official to take action) to Secretary of State James Madison, commanding him to deliver the missing commissions so the plaintiffs could take office as justices of the peace.Case Citation:Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137 (1803)

Related questions

When did William Marbury Carpenter die?

William Marbury Carpenter died on 1848-10-04.

Who was William Marbury's father?

William Marbury's father was also named William Marbury; his mother's name was Martha.

When did william marbury die?

William Marbury was born on November 7, 1762 and died March 13, 1835. 1835 is the same year John Marshall died.

When was William Marbury born?

William Marbury was born November 7, 1762, in Piscataway, Maryland.

When was William Marbury Carpenter born?

William Marbury Carpenter was born on 1811-06-25.

Did William Marbury of Madison Vs Marbury fame have children?


What is marburys full name in marbury vs madison?

William Marbury

What position is marbury to receive?

The position William Marbury wanted was Justice of Peace.

Federalist judge who wanted his commission granted?

Willium marbury

When did Ogle Marbury die?

Ogle Marbury died in 1955.

When did Elisabeth Marbury die?

Elisabeth Marbury died on 1856-06-19.

Who was marbury v Madison between?

William Marbury and James Madison. They were fighting over whether or not Marbury and other federalists, appointed by John Adams, would receive their commissions.