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i have no idea what that answer is!!! i need help!!! i dont even know what article one is! i barely know what the word amendment means!!! :P

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14y ago
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12y ago

Yoush ould NT h av e do ne th at no ch ea ti ng

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10y ago

changed the way slaves gained there u.s citizenship in the state which they lived in.

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Q: How did amendment 14 change the way that apportionment was set up in Article 1?
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How often does a census occur to change the number of representatives in the house of representatives?

The number of Representatives is set by law, presently at 435. The apportionment of the Representatives among the states is determined by a census which takes place every ten years, as required by Article I, Section II of the U. S. Constitution. The next census will take place in April 2010.

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The powers of Congress that are written into the U.S. Constitution are called enumerated powers. The powers are set in the amendment of forth in Article I.

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The 16th Amendment states:The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.It vacated the precedent set by the decision in the case Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co.

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The powers of Congress that are written into the U.S. Constitution are called enumerated powers. The powers are set in the amendment of forth in Article I.

What are the powers of congress written into the constitution called?

The powers of Congress that are written into the U.S. Constitution are called enumerated powers. The powers are set in the amendment of forth in Article I.

What Amendment set voting age to 18?

the 26th amendment

What does constutional amendment mean?

It means a change to a constitution. Constitution means, among other things, the way an organization is set up.

Isn't freedom of assembly one of the freedoms in the First Amendment?

The freedom of peaceful assembly is indeed a right set down in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Below you will find a link. Click on it and surf over to the Wikipedia post on the First Amendment to the Constitution. The first paragraph of the article will tell you what other First Amendment rights you have. The rest of the article is good read, too. This is important stuff. People have bled and died for it. Why not take a moment to look it over? Uneducated, uninformed and uninterested people are easy to lead - and control.

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The length of Presidential and Vice Presidential terms is set in Article II, Section 1, Clause 1.

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The powers of Congress that are written into the U.S. Constitution are called enumerated powers. The powers are set in the amendment of forth in Article I.

Can the state of Illinois raise the voting age in federal elections?

No, that is set in the U.S. Constitution, so only another constitutional amendment can change it.

What amendment set the date of a new term in office for legislature?

20th Amendment