The French helped the Patriots win the war by bringing military generals and supplies to help with their fight against the British. The French help by preventing the British Naval forces from rescuing their troops at Yorktown, the British general was forced to accept defeat and surrender.
They supplied the Americans with Guns, supplies Man power and the french had a fleet of ships or navy.
The French supplied the Americans with guns and supplies to use while the French Navy.
beat the British Navy
The Americans had a small army but great people like George Washington & Benjamen Franklyn.
so if you think about it the french play a big part in it.
P'S by the way we the British got ours back at the battle of Waterloo where we kicked the crap out of the french.
!!!!!!!no offence to any french people who may be reading this BUT IT IS TRUE ISN'T IT!!!!!!!
if I'm wrong with any of this then please explain where i got it wrong?
The French were quite mean to the Americans during the Revolutionary War.
Benjamin Franklin was the representative in France at the time, and he helped recruit many famous military leaders for Washington's army such as the Marquis de Lafayette and John Paul Jones.
The Continental Congress of the colonies didn't have much money for supplies. In fact, most American troops had to have their own gun and clothes.
Most experts and scholars agree that the American Revolutionary War could not have been won without help from the French.
They furnished the muskets, bayonets, gunpowder, ball and buck.
After Saratoga they provided 10,000 French troops and a Navy.
They provided the full range of essential military aid including artillery, cash to pay the troops and staff officers.
The country that helped America in the American War of Independence is France.
American revolutionaries were aided by France.
The Dutch gave America money to buy war-good for the famous 1700s 'Revolutionary war'.
the battle at Yorktown
France. Franklin, Adams , and Jefferson went to France to get their help.
The victory at Saratoga
American help in gaining territory in the Caribbean
The Americans won beause they wanted their freedom from the British and France see that they can win so they help them.
America only fought Great Britain, but had help from The Netherlands, Spain, and France.
France helped the US during the revolutionary war.france and spain
No, it was France.
The country that helped America in the American War of Independence is France.
The English didn't get French help (they still had bad feelings over the 100 years war). The Americans did get men, ships, and money.