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Booth was able to gain access to the Presidential box at Ford's Theater in Washington. He walked into the box and shot Lincoln in the back of the head with a small gun. He then jumped out of the box onto the state and got away for awile.

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11y ago
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12y ago

The civil war had just ended and Booth thought he could restart it by killing Lincoln. He also thought he would be considered a hero by the south. He was wrong and very surprised about the reaction. He writes in his diary that he can't find anyone to help him and that he is all alone. He went to people he thought would hide him and they turned him away or refused to help him. As the body of Lincoln was carried to Springfield by steam train people stood on the tracks crying and there were long lines every where his body stood in state. North and south were upset over his death. It is interesting to note that Booth is involved with events through out the period. Booth was in the Union army with Lee as his commander at Harpers Ferry, he was also in the front row just under the Dias holding Lincoln as he takes his oath of office 1860 ( he can be seen in pictures).

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11y ago

John Wilkes Booth's plan to kill Lincoln went like this:

1. Booth would enter the back door of Ford's Theater, and he would go to the presidents private box where Lincoln sat watching the play Our American Cousin.

2. Booth would shoot Lincoln, but the specific line Booth planned for would make the audience laugh, and the sound of Booth's small .44 derringer would be drown out.

3. Booth would dramatically jump onto the stage, and he would escape with his partner David Herold.

There was, however, a set-back. When ran Booth jumped off of the presidents box, Major Henry Rathbone(who was with President Lincoln)caught hold of Booths arm. Booth stabbed Rathbone's arm with his Bowie knife, then jumped onto the stage. When he jumped, his spur snagged the American flag draped over the box, twisting his leg, and when he landed his leg broke. Booth limped to the door and yelled Sic Semper Tyrannis (Thus always to tyrants), then ran out the door and escaped with David Herold to Dr. Samuel Mudd's home for his wounded leg. When Booth was finally healed, he and Herold rode to the Garrett farm and hid in the barn at Port Royal, Virginia. On April 26, 1865, Booth and Herold were found by Union forces who burned the barn. Herold surrendered, but Booth was shot and dragged out of the barn. Herold along with three others were hanged on July 7, 1865.

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15y ago

He shot him with a 44. caliber small pocket size single shot hand gun

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7y ago

booth shot president abraham lincoln with a pistol gun

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13y ago

A gun

a rvolver to be more exact

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13y ago

It evolved out of a plot to kidnap him.

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Q: How did john wilkes booth kill Abraham lincoln?
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