Nicholas Gilman changed his opinion many times. He was for both.
Nicholas Gilman felt that the slaves should be counted as 3/5 because they didn't really matter so therefore 5 slaves should equal 3 votes.
We should have the authority and power too!Just like the Federal Government.
How powerful the federal government should be
Kara kara
Nicholas Gilman changed his opinion many times. He was for both.
Nicholas Gilman felt that the slaves should be counted as 3/5 because they didn't really matter so therefore 5 slaves should equal 3 votes.
It isn’t ok for state government to overrule a federal government. The federal is above the state.
I don't know about the other two, but I'm pretty sure that Nicholas Gilman compromised on the issue of slavery that a slave would be considered only 3/5 of normal citizens. P.S. I'm not very sure if I answered your question, and I really do think that it is a good question and I want to know the actual correct answer.
We should have the authority and power too!Just like the Federal Government.
How powerful the federal government should be
The Federal Government.
the federal government should be limited in power
The progressive movement supported the idea that the federal government should allow the companies to exist but regulate them for the public interest.
If you are asking how many persons have, or use, the title of "executive" - the question is unanswerable.The only important factor is that there is only one CHIEF Executive - and that is the President.