There were many people that opposed slavery. For this reason it was necessary to include a section that banned slavery for the passing of the US Constitution to go through..
The constitution should prohibit the states from participating in the international slave trade.
Congress was not allowed to make a law banning the slave trade before 1808.
In Article I, Section 9, Clause 1 used the phrase "The migration and importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit," to refer to the practice of slavery. So in one sense, it is argued that the Constitution has never mentioned the issue of slavery, per se, but everyone knew that that phrase meant "slavery" when the Constitution was adopted.
Found this: "Originally, the Framers were very careful about avoiding the words "slave" and "slavery" in the text of the Constitution. Instead, they used phrases like "importation of Persons" at Article 1, Section 9 for the slave trade, and "other persons" at Article 1, Section 2 for slaves. Not until the 13th Amendment was slavery mentioned specifically in the Constitution. There the term was used to ensure that there was to be no ambiguity as what exactly the words were eliminating. In the 14th Amendment, the euphemism "other persons" (and the three-fifths value given a slave) was eliminated. The Slavery Topic Page has a lot more detail." From here:
it increased tentions over the issue of slavery across the united states
the growing sectionalism over the issue of slavery
The growing sectionalism over the issue of slavery
How important was the issue of slavery in the Constitution?
The issue of slavery.
Sectionalism and the Missouri compromise was related in such a way that slavery was the primary issue. This led to Civil War.?æ
Slavery promoted sectionalism because the south was in favor of slavery and the north was opposed to it. The south didn't want slavery to end. With northerners opposing slavery, disagreements started to rise, which resulted in the south attempting to succeed and the Civil War breaking out.
Slavery was a normal thing before.
was the national bank,states rights,sectionalism,slavery,tariffs,internal improvment
The constitution should prohibit the states from participating in the international slave trade.
The Northwest Ordinance outlawed slavery in the territory. However the ordinance did allow for indentured servants to be held in the territory. The US Constitution did not prohibit slavery at that time.
The most divisive issue in the creation of the new US constitution, following the Revolutionary War, was the issue of slavery. Of course, this remained a divisive issue until after the Civil War.
...slavery was protected by the constitution on the grounds that a man's property was sacred and slaves were property.