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It was hit and run attacks and sneak or surprise attacks

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How did the guerrilla colonial fighters help the Continental Arm

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Q: How did the Guerrilla colonial fighters help the Continental Army?
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How did guerrilla colonial fighters hope the Continental Army?

Marion's Brigade used surprise attacks to disrupt British communication & supply lines.

How did guerrilla colonial fighters help the contiental army?

Allowed the army to grow without being destroyed outright. (Weak militarys revert to guerrilla warfare; until they're strong enough to fight conventionally).

Why did the british Army to Yorktown?

they had no time for the patriots and decided if the guerrilla fighters would help he continental army then they had nothing else to do then fight to the death in Yorktown -Ann Barring New York history specialist

What was the colonial army know as?

The Colonial army was officially called The Continental Army.

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It's generally referred to as the Colonial Army or the Continental Army.

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The 13 colonies contributed men to the Continental Army.

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The North Vietnamese governments guerrilla fighters and regular army.

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How do you spell contenintal army?

The correct spelling is Continental Army, the colonial army in the American Revolution.

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He was the Commanding General of the American Continental Army

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Which war, US Civil war? Union. Vietnam? NVA - North Vietnamese Army - actual army VC - Viet Cong - guerrilla fighters

What is the name given to the local military forces created to defend the colonial settlements against the British?

The Continental Army