Humans are greedy, the Bible tells us this. Of the seven deadly sins, I believe that greed and envy are the worst. From these two vices, stem all other deadly sins. When someone says that "greed will imprison us all", they're saying that greed will somehow, and eventually, lead to a persons downfall. If you're greedy and envious, that could lead you to steal, kill, or hurt, which could lead to prison time or even worse, getting killed, etc.
McCarthy's first break into infamy was arguably his Wheeling speech to the Republican's Womens Club in Wheeling, West Virginia. He claimed to have a list of US politicians and government officials that were known Communists, which was later made public. This lead to the Tydings Committee Hearings, where many of these convicted politicians were tried and executed. This ended up causing the US to go into a sense of "Red Scare" in the early 1950's.
the lead singer of atreyu is- Alex Varakatzas
The mau movement is lead to the progressive movement!
mccarthy claimed that the us army was full of communists
Belief in Philosopha doctrine and dialectics, lead to the downfall of Rome
A Senate censure of McCarthy
Your exam is tomorrow
The trickery and deceit of his brother Set.
It is a trait in a hero that will ultimately lead to their tragic downfall.
he spread his army to thin
He feared that political parties would lead to the downfall of the country.
Pride is an offense against God and can lead to downfall