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General Braddock gave Colonel Washington the order to remain four miles behind the British army. He took his army and marched on. Braddock was not expecting an ambush by the French army and their Indian allies. The French and Indians ambushed his army, destroyed a large part of it, and caused it to retreat. Colonel George Washington divided his army. He had part of his army hide in the trees on one side of the road and part of his army hide on the other side of the road. The retreating British Army passed through American lines. The French and Indians chased them. Then the Americans counter attacked. The surviving French ran back to their fort. The Indians disappeared. The French defeat destroyed the French and Indian alliance. As a result, the Pennsylvania Militia was able to destroy the Indian allies of the French. The Militia killed Chief Pontiac. France could no longer prevent the settlement of Ohio. Long before the final battle of that war had been fought in Quebec, the settlement of Ohio had begun. The American colonies figured they no longer needed the British. They could win a major battle when the British had lost it.

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Cielo Kilback

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3y ago
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13y ago

Help from the French,Spanish,Dutch Republic and the British ( yes the British)

Americas first Army was set up during the Revolotionary War and it was set up and trained by British troops who had turned on their own country.

The British were also busy fighting 3 other wars in other parts of the world at the same time, they were also fighting the French Empire in Europe,Mongol Empire,Japanese Empire. these 3 Wars had everything for the Brits to gain and everything to lose. the War with the US had nothing for the Brits to gain as the US was too young a country,so they surrenderd to move on to concentrate on those 3 other wars wich they won.

Army - traning

Army - supplies

Navy - size and strength

Supply Lines- distance from home

morale - reason and will to fight


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13y ago

Britain controlled 1/5 of the world and and still is a world super power. Britain's army's far out numbered the colonists, however Britain's forces were spread out across the globe. This left the colonists out numbering the British military and so victory was achieved. As in those days the communications of today were unavailable hence little or no reinforcement's. As Britain owned so much little was done to reacquire its lost land. However in those days it wasn't Britain vs the USA as the colonists were all British them selves and so the war was more of a civil war than anything else!

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13y ago

The British Empire was not the all powerful force in the 18th century that it one day would be. There main strength lay in the Royal Navy. The Americans had a large army ( mostly made up of militia, or Untrained part time soldier's), and some help from the french. The British Army stationed in the colonies was not large. It was however a professional full time Army, and the British also used Hessian mercenaries to bulk up there ranks.

Because of there small land army they were not really capable of fighting effectively in the country side, and refereed to use there strong navy to capture coastal Territory's. Ultimately, the Americans had a lot of determination, they knew the lay of the land better, they had a larger force of numbers, and they had the backing of the French. It did seem for a while however that the Brits had the upper hand. In the end the US won the day.

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