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Checks and balances is important to check the constution and make sure that the president makes the right law. When the president makes a law people can check whether it fits the constution and if it is helpful to the citizen. When there is no judicial branch no one can check the constution. When there is no executive branch, there is no approval on the law made by the president. When there is no legeslative branch, there is no one to make the law because there is no president. When there is no judicial branch or executive, the president could make as much as laws as he want. And the law could be for himself. When this happens, things could happen like what happened to Fujimori. Fujimori had total control over the country. As a result he went to jail. This is how the three branches all work together really well. As a matter of fact none of the branches can overule each other.

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14y ago

Quite often Congress and the president will work together to craft important legislation. By working together before the bill is submitted for the president's signature, Congress can avoid a possible presidential veto, and the president can get a bill passed written the way he wants it.

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13y ago

They have the right to propose and confirm constitutional amendments which Supreme Court Judges must obey. The Senate also confirms cabinet members and judicial appointments. Whatever both the House and Senate pass also has to be passed by the president. If the president vetos that bill it can still by passed by an overriding vote of 2/3 majority in both chambers of congress. All funding also has to go through congress and only congress can declare war.

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It passes laws (legislation) that the executive branch must carry out and enforce.

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12y ago

We have 10 legastives

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Q: How did the executive legastive and judicial governments worked together?
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The arrows in the illustration represent checks on the power of each branch of government which branch of government fits in each blank?

A=legislative branch; B= executive branch

What are the checks and balances for each branch of the US government?

check and balance is when overlapping powers give each branch powers in the other two. For example, the President has power to veto Congress's legislation as well as Congress having the power to override the President's veto. it also work with the branches of govenrment to work together

Together Congress the President and the US Supreme Court make up what?

Congress, the President and the US Supreme Court are the leaders of the three branches of the US Government: Congress = Legislative Branch President = Executive Branch Supreme Court = Judicial Branch

What does the executive branch do in the federal government?

There is no Executive branch of the federal courts.The United States has a tripartite government that comprises three branches, each with its own constitutional powers and checks against those powers. The Executive branch and the federal courts (Judicial branch) are two different parts of government.Executive branch: President, Vice-President, Cabinet, etc.Legislative branch: US Senate, US House of Representatives (together, they're called "Congress")Judicial branch: Supreme Court, lower federal courts (SCOTUS* is the head of the federal court system)*SCOTUS is an acronym for Supreme Court of the United States

Which part of the constitution establishes the doctrine of separation of powers?

Articles I, II and III. Article I establishes the powers of the legislative branch. Article II establishes the powers of the executive branch. Article III establishes the powers of the judicial branch. Together these three articles establish what we call the separation of powers.

Related questions

How do the main principles work together to restrict the governments power?

The U.S. Constitution divides the powers of government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The principles work together to restrict power so that one single branch cannot have all the power. It is for checks and balances.

The Constitution creates what three branches of government?

1. The Congress. The House of Representatives and the Senate; together they write the laws. 2. The Executive. The president and vice president; they enforce the law. 3. The Judicial. The supreme court judges; the interpret the law.

What was judicial nationalism?

Judicial refers to the Judges and Jury part of our government. Nationalism is the Federal government outweighing and controlling the State Governments. So put it together. Judicial Nationalism is the power of the Courts controlling state affairs and rights. And also the other parts of the government, Congress and Presidential.

How do the principles work together to restrict the government's power?

The U.S. Constitution divides the powers of government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The principles work together to restrict power so that one single branch cannot have all the power. It is for checks and balances.

Which of the plans called for a group or committee working together as the executive?

plural executive

How do the government's principles work together to restrict the government's power?

The U.S. Constitution divides the powers of government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The principles work together to restrict power so that one single branch cannot have all the power. It is for checks and balances.

Of the following, which refers to a group or committee working together as the executive?

plural executive

How do the three branches work together to pass laws?

The Legislative Branch proposes the bills that they wish to become law and debate them. The head of the Executive Branch (the President) signs them into law and the various agencies of the Executive Branch administer and enforce them. THe Judicial Branch rules on them.

What are the checks and balances for each branch of the US government?

check and balance is when overlapping powers give each branch powers in the other two. For example, the President has power to veto Congress's legislation as well as Congress having the power to override the President's veto. it also work with the branches of govenrment to work together

What problems did Washington and Congress face in organizing the executive branch and the judicial branch and how did they work together to solve these problems?

They could not agree on the things because they were arguing. And they were trying to decide to accept people or not like if they were suppose to help out children or not.

How many government branches does United states have?

There are three branches of the U.S. Government: the Executive branch (president, the cabinet and staff), the Legislative branch (the Senate and the House of Representatives, together called the Congress), and the Judicial branch (the U.S. Supreme Court).

Together Congress the President and the US Supreme Court make up what?

Congress, the President and the US Supreme Court are the leaders of the three branches of the US Government: Congress = Legislative Branch President = Executive Branch Supreme Court = Judicial Branch