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The Hittites brought new skills to the region. They basically created the Iron Age. The Hittites were pushed out of Asia Minor all the way to Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia, they learned how to extract or pull out iron from ore. They would heat the iron ore and pound out the impurities right before they would stick it in a pool of cold water. They weapons were harder, lighter, (which made them faster) and stronger than any of the other tools or weapons made out of bronze and copper. They made tons of Money off this until their empire collapsed in 1200 BC. When it did, all the iron creators or "ironsmiths" went to other parts of the world and made iron there. So this is what created the Iron Age.The Hittites brought new skills to the region. They basically created the

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The Hittites brought nothing to Mesopotamia, because the empire never held territory east of the Euphrates River.

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The most valuable technology brought to Egypt by the Hyksos was Bronze Age technology that could be used for farming and weaponry.

One of the technologies was Hotraic's.

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Q: How did the hittites introduce a new age of technology?
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How did Hittites introduce a new age of technology?

The Hittites brought new skills to the region. They basically created the Iron Age. The Hittites were pushed out of Asia Minor all the way to Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia, they learned how to extract or pull out iron from ore. They would heat the iron ore and pound out the impurities right before they would stick it in a pool of cold water. They weapons were harder, lighter, (which made them faster) and stronger than any of the other tools or weapons made out of bronze and copper. They made tons of Money off this until their empire collapsed in 1200 BC. When it did, all the iron creators or "ironsmiths" went to other parts of the world and made iron there. So this is what created the Iron Age.The Hittites brought new skills to the region. They basically created the

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