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The 'United Empire Loyalists' were those people who supported Britain during the American Revolution, and who wished to remain British subjects afterward by relocating to British Colonies, especially Nova Scotia and Upper Canada (which later became Ontario).

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Q: How did the loyalist change Canada?
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The area That Later Became Canada

After the Treaty of Paris was signed about 90000 loyalist became refugees where did about half of them resettled?

The area That Later Became Canada

After the treaty of Paris was signed about 90000 loyalist became refugees where did the half of them resettle?

The area That Later Became Canada

Did the loyalist want to fight?

Yes. They thought by force they could get the Patriots to change to Loyalists.

Was lord Charles Cornwallis patriot or a loyalist?

No, General Cornwallis was a loyalist fought the patriots George Washington and then surrender

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He was a loyalist

What was a problem for the new nation after the war was that thousand of wealthy loyalist?

Thousands of wealthy loyalists left the country for Britain and Canada.

Why did the loyalist feel they had to go with the british to Canada?

They had been loyal to the crown and when the war was over they were discriminated against, beaten, and were considered traitors.

Where most of the people in New York loyalist or patriot in the American Revolution?

loyalist loyalist