Even though the slaves were freed after the Civil War, they still did not have the same rights that other Americans had. Women still had not won the right to vote, so they also did not have any say in who was going to be in the White House. The freed slaves became sharecroppers on land owned by their former owners and weren't much better off for it.
Most African Americans were not treated fairly until after the Civil Rights Movement. They were not awarded high paying jobs and did not reap the benefits of the prosperity.
The fourteenth amendment guarantees that all citizens are equal under the law.
The Wheeler-lea act was became affective in 1938 and is an amendment to the federal trade commission act. The Wheeler-lea act helped the FTC exclude false advertisements.
No. Nothing in a state constitution can over ride the federal constitution. There are specific things listed in the federal constitution that are limited only to the federal government.
No. The Constitution only uses the gender neutral "people" or "person" and never specifically mentions either sex, male or female. The Constitution was thus phrased to apply equally to both women and men.Contrary to common opinion, women were not denied the right to vote by the original Constitution--the individual states were left to determine their own requirements for voting. It was at the state level that women were unconstitutionally denied their right to vote. The states lost the power to exclude citizens from voting on the basis of sex with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.
Women and African Americans were discriminated against and not allowed equality in the society through voting, education, business, and income.
It allows you explicitly to link or exclude terms you are searching for
It allows you explicitly to link or exclude terms you are searching for
It allows you explicitly to link or exclude terms you are searching for
How about I exclude you from knowing.
"Include" is one antonym of "exclude".
exclude in English
It would not be nice to exclude anyone from club membership.
The noun forms of the verb to exclude are exclusion and the gerund, excluding.
Exclusive is an adjective related to "exclude." Another related adjective is "exclusionary."
There are no exclude values of the equation, as given.
The opposite of "belong" is "exclude" or "exclude from."