they came up with the name Hannah Montana because her best friends name was Hannah and her initials were hm so they read a book and saw Montana.
It is claimed that the meaning of the name Yanez means gift of Jehovah. Etymologists believe it was originally a Christian name, but there is no evidence to back up their beliefs.
It comes from the Latin word Praesident and is called that because he is an elected leader who PRESIDES over a group of people.
it comes from Holland
harry styles came up with that name.
it got its name but scittles
How did William Sydney Porter come up with the name O Henry
Come up with name, then add a mointains or s to the name
There grandmother.
They didn't come up with the name cayenne. Cayenne already existed. Cayenne is a type of chilli pepper.
You just made it up.
it has a bigfoot
Type in your name in 3D and it will come up with options.
My name is Natalia.
Montag's name is a paper company.
Use the name of your first pet, plus the name of the street you grew up on;