Most dictators use a combination of the same techniques employed by rulers since the beginning of civilization. This can be summed up as populism and brutality. The dictators establish themselves as ultra-nationalist and jingoistic, supposedly championing their people. Many seemingly benevolent, or charitable, or religious programs are designed to win approval from the uneducated populace. (These require only a small portion of the vast sums of personal wealth that are accumulated at the expense of the nation.) At the same time, political rivals or opposing factions are ruthlessly suppressed by intimidation, imprisonment, torture, and murder.
These types of actions occur in most governments to some degree, but they are essential for strongmen or juntas who need absolute control of a state.
Many dictators, such as Hitler, "brainwashed" the people of Germany with Propaganda saying that the Jewish race was bad, or unworthy to be apart of the "perfect" race that Hitler wanted. also as a leader the Hitler had controle of the armed forces, so anyone that spoke out against him or he thought would betray him was killed or hurt so they wouldn't speak out against him again. Mainly it all about have all the controle, and being able to take anyone out that is wanting/ going to work against them.
The answer to this question heavily depends on what society we are talking about. In modern history, since the enlightenment, it is widely believed that governments derive their power from the people whom they govern. This has not always been the case, however, when history shows us that many governments thought they derived their authority to govern from divine right or heritage, or both.
Modern conservatives typically support free markets, the idea that the U.S. can assert itself in any other country in the world, and a balanced budget.More restrictions on polution
UK, Norway, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Luxembourg,The Netherlands..and quite a few more!
Pakistan, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Tunisia.These countries are not oligarchies. They would be considered autocratic. Tunisia is currently in a transitional government. There are no longer any modern oligarchies in the world today.
As an oligarchy is a ruling aristocracy or self-selecting elite, curiously, most modern 'communist' countries, such as China, Vietnam and Cuba, qualify. North Korea seems to have decided monarchy is better.
Many countries live under dictators. It is common even in modern day. For example, Cuba.
happy feet 2
they usually control all of the state - novanet answer
Most countries have a bureaucracy of some form to manage government operations and services. Some examples of countries with well-known bureaucracies include the United States, China, India, and France.
Labor-intensive products (such as shoes and clothing) are made in countries with low labor costs and relatively modern productive plants, often found in Asian countries.
The Spanish Civil War (1936-39)
Dictators are normally seen with some contempt and fear because of the history of modern dictators. Lashing out in the media is a way to try and overturn those that are undeserving of control by influencing popular opinion.
In modern astrology, Uranus is said to be the co-ruler of the sign Aquarius.
The Romans did not have three branches of government. This is a modern concept.
There are three countries that border modern day Egypt. These countries include Libya, Israel, as well as the country Sudan.
Modern copyright law originated in the UK with the 1709.
"Africa" is not a single uniform country but a continent containing diverse peoples, lifestyles, landscapes and histories. In modern Africa, as elsewhere, it is not unusual for countries to have conflicts with each other or, much more commonly, to have internal conflicts (civil wars), usually over who is to govern.