Republican and Democratic views can vary. Conservatives (Republicans) are generally very against any government expansion while liberals (Democrats) are generally in favor of federal or state government expansion.
The Anti-federalists, or currently, the Libertarian Party
This is the correct answer: The federal government guarantees the states a republican form of government, protection, and territorial integrity. Give examples of how each of these guarantees are carried out.
Their are two major political parties in all the different levels of government. The first is the Democratic Party, which currently is in control of the White House and the Senate. The other party is the Republican Party which controls the House of Representatives.
Chief Justice John Marshall was a member of the Federalist party who believed most power should reside with the federal government. He generally opposed state sovereignty, and invariably ruled in favor of the federal government in disputes against the states.
Our Taxes will be lower
Government: Federal Parliamentary republic
They wanted to limit the federal government's power
Reduce the size and activites of the federal government ~APEX~
So, sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the (Democratic) party of small government became the party of big government, and the (Republican) party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power.
Democratic-Republican (have fun cheating through it losers)
Democratic Federal Republican Party of Santiago de Cuba was created in 1899.
The Anti-federalists, or currently, the Libertarian Party
it has a federal!!!
No. John Adams was a member of the Federalist Party. He believed in a strong federal government and rule by an elite class. The Democratic-Republican Party held opposite beliefs; in fact, they originally called themselves the Anti-Federalists.
Federalist==founded in1792====dissolved in 1820==Democratic- Republican==founded in 1792====dissolved in 1868==