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Q: How do societies balance individual and community rights?
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Whose rights come first when there is a conflict between an individuals rights and the rights of the community?

There are no "community rights" but individual rights are what is supported. Often the individual rights extents to the community especially when there is a Supreme Court ruling, but it starts with the individual.

Should governments attempt to balance the promotion of individual and collective rights?

To what extent should governments attempt to balance the promotion of individual and collective rights?

The MAIN reason citizens have rights and responsibilities is to?

ensure a balance between individual freedoms and societal order, promoting equality and justice for all members of the community.

Explain the balance between police power and individual rights?

The balance between police powers and individual rights is one that must be struck by any democratic society.

Whose rights come first when there is a conflict between an individual rights and the rights of the community?

what our rights are and what can and can't do!

What two ideas did the constitution try to balance?

The power of the government and the rights of the individual

What does communitarianism mean in sociology?

Communitarianism in sociology refers to a social theory that emphasizes the importance of community and social cohesion in shaping individuals' beliefs, values, and behavior. It highlights the idea that individuals are interconnected and have responsibilities to the broader community, rather than just focusing on individual rights and autonomy. Communitarianism seeks to balance individual freedoms with the well-being of the community as a whole.

How can a conflict of interest be addressed between a carer and an individual with dementia whilst balancing rights choices and risk?

There needs to be a proper and fair balance between the rights and needs of the individual and the authority of the carer. This balance will depend on the situation in particular.

What does protect and serve mean?

To serve the constitution and community by protecting an individual's constitutionally protected rights.

What were the two ideas the Constitution attempted to balance?

States rights versus federal rights , and individual rights for citizens versus protecting all the citizens under the law of the land.

In what ways were eighteenth-century American and British societies similar or dissimilar in terms of rights of individual liberty equality of opportunity and property?

just cause

In what ways were eighteenth-century American and British societies similar and dissimilar in terms of the rights of individual liberty equality of opportunity and property?

just because