You receive one from professor rowan from the start but you could trade another chimchar from somepne if its a different gender. hope this helps!
There are only three ways. 1. Trading with wireless connection or through the Internet. 2. Getting it as a starter. 3. Breeding infernape with one of the opposite gender or a ditto (by putting them in daycare)
Salem poor
The Battle of Breed's Hill.
this was by the jman
My research has indicated that "Nelson" was a pure-bred Arabian. A breed known for its endurance, strength, and intelligence. The Arabian Stallion "Mustafa al Zarina" of Somerset Park Arabian Farm has been noted as an "extreemely accurate look-a-like of President Washington's favorite horse." I have found a website for that breeding farm: . They have many pictures of this horse as well as others. I found it interesting and informative on the breed, and horses in general.
Choose Chimchar in the beginning, then breed it with a Ditto later.
You must breed a Monferno or Infernape with a Pokemon to get the chimchar egg.
either choose Chimchar as your starter Pokemon and when it is a Infernape, breed it with a ditto. or just have a friend do it and then trade
breed it with a ditto
You have to start out the game with Chimchar, the fire-type pokemon. At level 14, Chimchar will evolve into a Monferno. Another way is to breed any of Chimchar's forms, match it with either a ditto or the opposite gender of the same breed, breed a Chimchar egg, and level it up until level 14 to get a monferno. A third way is to trade it via wireless (DS to DS) from a friend, or via Wi-Fi (DS to Wi-Fi).
no you can't because if you wanted to make a chimchar egg you would have to breed a female inferape with a male alakazam.
you must must have one of these following Pokemon to start with: chimchar, monferno, infernape then either put it in the daycare with any of the three "OR" a ditto it does not matter which one's you choose you will still get a chimchar XweaselX
Chimchar can learn the move Blaze Kick from breeding. Simply breed a male Hitmonlee or Blaziken that knows Blaze Kick with a female Chimchar. The resulting Chimchar that hatches from the egg should now have Blaze Kick as one of it's moves.
Good/Answer 2:You can breed a Chimchar and hope its female, or do trading at GTS in Jubilife. :3Answer 1:you cant chimchars are only male
Wild, no) trade, yes) hack, yes) Dream World Event, yes)
Chimchar doesn't learn blaze kick through leveling. To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling.
To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling.