I'm not sure if maybe you meant "What do you call your live in partner?".
It depends on where you live as to how to reference this. In some areas, they would just be your live-in boyfriend or girl friend, or they could be referred to as your common law wife/husband, or de facto wife/husband.
This length of time is called a residency requirement.
Richard Steele
Aaron Burr
Sadly you can't call your partner on Tenchu Z itwould be good if you could but no.
A live-in-partner is a person you live with and do STUFF with but the one thing with that is that you are not in love and you are putting your view on yourself at risk because you then feel obligated.
Jimmy and his partner live in London.
her partner
not normally.
Sugar Daddy
by his name
They usually call monogomous (most of the time) wolf couples 'mates' or 'alpha pair'.
AAA Partner
live in partners