in spanish you say air aire, in french you say it air, in Greek you say it αέρας, in Russian you say it воздух, in Swedish you say it luft and in Turkish you say it hava, in Chinees you say it 空气 . I know many more languges too, but thoses are some of them. ;)
because pidgin language is the combining of several different languages.
We can say that, politics then is different from the politics now, because, politics then was less democratic than politics now.
I would say no. But every girl is different.
The major languages of North America including English, Spanish, and French. Other common languages include German and Italian depending on the area.
I think you mean the indo-Europeans. The term 'Indo-European' refers in most cases to a group of languages with common linguistical roots, not so much to people. There are some 450 languages today with Indo-European roots, European languages like English, Spanish, German and Russian just being four of them. Almost half the people on this planet speak an Indo-European language. The "Indo"-part of the name is caused by the fact that several eastern languages, notably Indian and Iranian dialects and languages, have the same roots as most European languages.
im not crazy in 100 different languages
People's names are the same in all languages.