Social problems are solved by finding the truth about ourselves and about life in general. Most people find this source of truth in God. If you don't believe in God, you are kind of on your own to figure out the truth about society on your own. But if there is a God, then we need to listen to Him. He made this thing, he knows how it should run. God speaks to us in The Bible.
They wanted to find out how to allow all social classes to share the benefits of industrialization.
Amendment 13,19 not 100 % sure
What problem? When? The question is unclear.
They fight with the Japanese
child labor
Social class inequality
Amendment 13,19 not 100 % sure
Amendment 13,19 not 100 % sure
an issue that citizens care about and rally around
It is to use science for a practical job or to solve a problem.
Social casework process is a scientific technique to solve such problems of persons which obstruct the effective social adjustment of the person. Following steps are involved in the Social casework process:- 1. Phycho-social study of the problem of the individual. 2. Assessment/diagnosis of the problem of the individual. 3. Treatment of the problem. 4. Followup.
When you analyze a problem you look it over which is what analyzing means. You look over the problem and then you solve it. When you solve a problem you solve it and you use certain steps and solve it but of course everyone has there ways to solve a problem but some people have ways to solve it by just analysing it. That is the difference.
They wanted to find out how to allow all social classes to share the benefits of industrialization.
It didn't solve any problem it was invented as a sport not as a way to solve anything...
no it can not solve the problem
Social impairment :)
how can geography solve the problem of street urchins?