да in the Russian language, or "da" is how you spell it in English
Gigori (might spell this wrong) Rapsutin. He claimed to be a "spiritual" man, even though he harassed women and drank alchohol. He supposedly healed her son, Alexi.
Russification is a adoption of the Russian language or some other Russian attribute.
He was Russian.
Electronics (from Germany)
да in the Russian language, or if you want to spell it in English, "da"
Oui in French, Yes in English, Da (Да) in Russian
In Russian, "Любимая" is how to say/spell sweetheart.
В is at in Russian.
'And' in Russian is spelled 'u'.
Usually people spell it as "Dmitri"... And yes, if you like it. It's Russian, so if you are a Russian family, go for it! :)
"Как ты?" is how you spell "How are you?" in Russian.
In Russian, "Caitlin" can be spelled as "Кейтлин."
Винтовка is rifle in Russian.
Папа is dad in Russian.
Tranquility in Russian is "спокойствие."
Кэти is Kathy in Russian.