I doubt that it had much effect. Fillmore was not a religious or spiritual person. He did not quote scriptures or indicate that he was influenced by religion.
Millard Fillmore
John Tyler Andrew Johnson Millard Fillmore Gerald Ford and Chester Arthur
Zachary Taylor was elected as the 12th President in 1848. When he died in office, Vice President Millard Fillmorebecame the 13th president. After the term of Franklin Pierce, the 14th President, James Buchanan was elected as the 15th President in 1856.
The Oval Office.
No US president was ever divorced while in office. In fact, only one president , Ronald Reagan was ever divorced at all and his divorce occurred 32 years before he ran for president. When he ran for president he had been married for 28 years to his second wife.
3 years
Millard Fillmore
Millard Fillmore
California became a state
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53 years and 55 days.
Fillmore took office upon the death of Taylor on July 9,1850.
how does george washington spiritual life affected life to his term of office
Millard Fillmore became the 13th President of the United States, succeeding Zachary Taylor, who died in office on July 10, 1850. In the Election of 1854, Millard Fillmore sought, but was not nominated, the Whig candidacy.
Millard Fillmore
Millard Fillmore was sworn in, in 1850, after General Taylor died.