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Vote, stay informed on politics and "the issues", attend or watch political debates, rallies, discussions, etc.

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Q: How does a good citizen take part in the government?
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How does a citizen take part in politics?

Voting, knowing the issues of the government, and/or run for positions in the government.

Why is our government called a representative state?

Becuse every citizen has a right to take part in government

What is a system of government in which a large number of people take part in daily affairs?

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What are the resonsibilities of a citizen?

Generally speaking the responsibilities of a citizen are to vote and obey the laws of the nation. In democratic nations, citizens have a duty to either take part in civic affairs and, or stay abreast of the affairs of government.

What does it take to be a good citizen of this country?

Voting, Public Affairs, and taking part of civic debating for laws of this country. (Depends on which country)

What does it take to be a good citizen of a country?

Voting, Public Affairs, and taking part of civic debating for laws of this country. (Depends on which country)

In which types of government do ordinary citizens take part in government?

Democracy : type of government ordinary citizens take part in.

If marry a citizen can i become a citizen?

you can marry a citizen a citizen but after that you can straitly become a citizen if you werent born here you have to take a history and government test and learn how to speak enlish read enlish and write enlish

Greek gods he believed that everyone should be treated equally and that every citizen should take part in government?

Yes, the Ancient Greeks took a lot of pride in their democracy.

Is it true every prospective naturalized US citizen must take an oath of allegiance to the us government before becoming a citizen?


What is the role of the citizen democracy?

To vote, pay attention to the issues, and to take part as a citizen with things like jury duty.

How you play the role in a society like a good citizen?

Understand and follow the news, vote, take part in your community, and follow all the laws to the best of your ability.