deficit financing adds to public debt because it is regularly spending more than it takes in each year-and then borrows to make up the difference.
A budget deficit can lead to more borrowing thereby impacting on the national debt
Why did Congress add the 14th amendment?
The Federalists agreed to add amendments to protecting basic rights in support of a new constitution.
I'll name one others will add to this: Hurricane Katrina
Missouri voters have the right to make a new law or add an amendment to the constitution by (who are what)
deficit financing adds to public debt because it is regularly spending more than it takes in each year-and then borrows to make up the difference.
A budget deficit can lead to more borrowing thereby impacting on the national debt
'ADD' stands for 'Attention Deficit Disorder'
ADD is the common name for attention deficit disorder.
The abbreviation for attention deficit disorder is ADD. Additionally, the abbreviation for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is ADHD. These disorders are closely related.
Attention Deficit Disorder (DIFFERENT FROM ADHD)
Because ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) is where you can't focus all the time. And ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) is where you can't focus and you are really hyper.
ADD, ADHD or any other combination means Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Go to a doctor and get tested for ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and if you are ADD get a prescription from your doctor.
ADD, or attention deficit disorder is a disorder that makes someone loose attention. You could use attention deficit.
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder. Attention deficit and Hyperactivity are two separate conditions often linked together. An additional diagnosis could be Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
There are very many meanings. The acronym could, possibly, stand for Attention Deficit Disorder.