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The Supreme Court is able to review acts of Congress if the constitutionality of the act is questionable.

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Q: How does judicial review fit into the system of checks and balances?
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How did the establishment of checks and balances fit into the system of checks and balances?

Ever since the court's ruling in Marbury V. Madison in 1803, judicial review has been an essential feature of the federal government's system of checks and balances. Judicial review gives the judicial branch a way to check the actions of both the legislative and the judicial branch.

The power that has become basic part of the system of checks and balances of your government today is called?

Judicial review

What is called the power that has become a basic part of the system of checks and balances of your government?

Its called the judicial review.

Why is the power of judicial review an important part of system of the checks and balances?

Judicial Review is an important part of checks and balances it keeps unconstitutional laws from being passed that would give parts of the government too much power or violate the constitutional rights of the people.

Why the power of judicial review is an important part of the system of checks and balances?

Judicial Review is an important part of checks and balances it keeps unconstitutional laws from being passed that would give parts of the government too much power or violate the constitutional rights of the people.

Why do people support the judicial review?

The reason people support judicial review is that it is essential in the checks and balances system. Judicial review allows for bills for be reviewed and perhaps overturned. It limits power in order to balance out the bicameral legislature.

When the supreme court declares a law as unconstitutional we have an example of what?

judicial review

According to what system the executive branch is checked by the judicial and the Legislative branch?

Checks and Balances.

How can judicial review limit the power of the Executive?

The judiciary can hold the Executive branch to account for its actions; it is a system of 'checks and balances' that ensure no branch of government has too much power.

Who checks what in checks and balances?

Each branch of government checks each other in the system of checks and balances. This includes the legislative branch, along with the the executive and judicial. The branches basically check each other to make sure no branch is abusing their powers.

What is name of the system that maintains separation of powers among the branches of the federal government?

The Checks and Balances system maintains the separation of powers.

What is the role of the supreme court in the system of checks and balances?

Judicial review is part of the United States' government's system of checks and balances. It is a "check" the Judicial branch (lead by the US Supreme Court) can exercise over both the Legislative (Congress) and Executive (President) branches. For more information, see Related Questions, below.