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The President exists to execute the laws that the legislative branch passes. If the legislative branch chooses not to pass a law that would give the President a power over something he wants, then he does not have that power. If the President does something that is not expresssly forbidden by existing law, Congress can pass a law that does expressly forbid him/her from doing it. If the President wanted a particular type of law passed, like a tax cut, Congress could refuse to do it because only Congress can authorize a tax cut. Also, Congress is the branch that appropriates money to be used by the President to do things. This is called the "power of the purse". If Congress does not give the President the money to do something, then he cannot do it. For example, if the President wanted a one million soldier army at all times but Congress felt that 500,000 soldiers is enough, Congress can control the President's wishes by appropriating only enough money for 500,000 soldiers. The executive branch has the power to do things, but the legislative branch has the power to limit the things he can do.

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Q: How does the legislature branch control the powers of the president?
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Which branch of government has ultimate control?

No branch of government has ultimate control. Thankfully we have something called separation of powers (checks and balances). Example Congress legislative branch make laws. the president executive branch enforces them. the courts the judicial branch decides whether the law are constitutional. They interpret the law. Sadly over the years congress and given powers and extended the powers to the president.

How is power evenly distributed within the government?

The chief executive (president) is chosen independently of the legislature, which holds office for a fixed term, and has broad powers not subject to the direct control of the legislative branch.

Are cabinet members a part of the judicial branch?

Yes, the president is part of the executive branch of the US government. Thus the below. * Executive Branch - President and Vice President * Judicial Branch - Supreme Court * Legislative Branch - Congress which is divided into two parts, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What is the observance of the principle of separation of powers and system of checks and balances?

Basically, each of the three branches of government have specific powers that belong to that branch only. For example, the primary duty of the Legislative Branch is to make laws, The Executive Branch enforces or carries out the laws, and the judicial branch upholds the laws and may determine the validity of the laws by holding them up against the Constitution. As far as checks and balances, there are several examples: The Executive Branch can appoint justices to the Supreme Court, but congress must approve these appointments, further, these justices will serve for life to then check the power of later presidents. The Legislative Branch can remove a justice if certain criteria are met. The Judicial Branch can determine acts/laws unconstitutional to check the powers of both the Legislative and Executive Branch. The Executive Branch may veto Legislative acts, however, the Legislature may override this veto. The Legislature may also carry out impeachment hearings against the President if warranted.

What are the powers of the Arizona legislative branch?

The power of the Arizona Legislative Branch is similar to all legislative branches. Since the state Constitution was adopted, the Arizona Legislature makes laws for the state. In passing laws, the legislature also provides protection, services, and aid to the state.

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Cuba's legislature branch is the national assembly of people powers

Which branch of government has ultimate control?

No branch of government has ultimate control. Thankfully we have something called separation of powers (checks and balances). Example Congress legislative branch make laws. the president executive branch enforces them. the courts the judicial branch decides whether the law are constitutional. They interpret the law. Sadly over the years congress and given powers and extended the powers to the president.

Does either branch of congress answer directly to the president?

Neither branch answers to the President. The purpose of the separation of powers was to insure that no one of the three branches had complete control over the other two. Each of the branches has some control over the others, but it is not total.

This article of the Constitution gives the legislature its powers?

Article 1 of the constitution defines the legislative branch.

Is the executive branch only allowed to veto?

No, the executive branch is not only allowed to veto. The executive branch has various powers, including enforcing laws, negotiating treaties, and appointing officials. Veto power is one of the tools the executive branch can use to influence legislation passed by the legislature.

Explain how power is distributed in a presidential government?

A presidential Government features a separation of powers between the executive and the legislative branches of government. The two branches are independent of one another and coequal as well. --The chief executive or "president" is chosen independently of the legislature, holds office for a fixed term, and has a number of significant powers that are not subject to direct control of the legislative branch.-- Also, the separation of powers of the two are spelled out in a written constitution-as they are in the United States. Each of the branches is regularly given several powers with which is can block actions of the other branch.

Which term refers to the division of the national government?

I learned in 5th grade that: Executive Branch-Like The President Judicial Branch-This is where they make the laws AND Legislature Branch- The House of Representitives and the Senate! ~Hope this helps you!

Executive Branch Powers of Branch?

- national laws & policies - relations with the forgein country - president head of branch

What are some Judaical powers of the president?

He has no judicial powers. Only the judicial branch has the power. The president can appoint a judge but has to get congressional approval.

In what ways does the constitution limit congress's powers?

The Constitution limits Congress's power in multiple ways. For instance, the President can veto legislature passed by the Congress, while the Judicial branch can overturn Congress's laws by ruling them unconstitutional.

In what ways does the constitution limit congress powers?

The Constitution limits Congress's power in multiple ways. For instance, the President can veto legislature passed by the Congress, while the Judicial branch can overturn Congress's laws by ruling them unconstitutional.

Why do you have seperation of power?

Separation of powers is a fundamental principle in many democracies to prevent concentration of power in one branch of government. It helps ensure a system of checks and balances, where each branch (executive, legislative, and judicial) has its own distinct powers and responsibilities to avoid abuse of power and protect the rights of citizens.