Armistice is different from surrendering. It's the stopping of fighting so both sides find a truce. Surrendering is the declaration of defeat by one side. The winning side provides the terms of surrender.
An armistice is not actually the ending of a war but a way to stop fighting to see if something can be worked out. Most groups fighting a war want to win it. Perhaps they see that an armistice is not a true win. WW2 ended with an armistice and no one side actually won or lost.
an armistice is an agreement to stop the fighting. It does not bring a complete end to the war. A treaty is generally required to completely end a war. World War 1 for example had the fighting cease after the armistice of November 11, 1918. The true end to the war occurred after the Versailles Treaty of 1919.
It was Robert E. Lee surrendering to Ulyses S. Grant - a historic moment that brought out the noble side in both of these two very different characters.
November 11th 1918
The British surrendering at Yorktown ended the fighting between the British and Revolutionary forces in America.
They commemorate different events which occurred on different days. ANZAC Day is on the anniversary of the landing of these troops on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Armistice Day is the anniversary of the day upon which war was declared at end in WWI. Thought at the time as being the war to end all wars.
Surrendering was not an option.
When the Spaniards' plight becomes desperate, they have the option of surrendering or fighting to the death. In many cases, they chose to fight valiantly until the bitter end rather than surrendering.
Armistice Day was the end of WWI, after WWII, the date was moved and renamed Veterans Day. Much of the world recognizes Armistice Day as November 11. It is called different things in different countries, but it marks the official end of the First World War (November 11, 1918, 11:11am, GMT)
An armistice is more than a cease-fire, its like a temporary treaty. It ends hostilities (longer than a cease-fire). Its supposed to be the prelude to a treaty. It doesn't last very long so its a temporary measure.
There are no perfect rhymes for the word armistice.
The word Islam means surrender. Other than that, do you have a question?
The armistice went into effect in 1918
The Armistice officially ended WW1.
Veterans Day was called Armistice Day in 1919.
Yes, "Armistice" is typically capitalized as it refers to a specific event or agreement, such as the Armistice that ended World War I.
The verbal phrase 'giving up' has several meanings.Here are some one-word synonyms for some of the different meanings of 'giving up.'To admit defeat:capitulating, conceding, submitting, surrendering, quiting.To cease activity:abandoning, quiting, renouncing, stopping.To despair:despairing.To disclose:betraying, disclosing, divulging, revealing.To hand over:delivering, relinquishing, surrendering.