The Iroquois used consensus making by tribal accord. The head chief would control the majority and he would be in charge of taking a vote. This was done even though the head chief had the power to do whatever he wanted.
The founding fathers create the congressional decision making process to be... slow and deliberative.
local, state, and federal
majority wins A+
The local, state, and federal level(s).
direct democracy.
To understand how the Iroquois encouraged consensus decision-making, you need to understand what it means. It is a group decision making process where all the participants agree on the decision made. When the Iroquois encouraged this type of decision making, they set the standards for their values and the way they lived.
men were a huge part in decision making, and the elders always made the final decision.
A consensus answer is a response or conclusion that is agreed upon by a substantial majority of individuals or experts within a group. It represents a shared agreement or common understanding among the participants involved in the decision-making process.
the decision making process in driving is known as
Communication has a bearing on your decision making process.
The SNCC used participatory democracy, allowing every member to be a part of the decision making process until a consensus was reached.
Explain stages of (of ) in decision making process, with the flow chart?
Andrzej Ziolkowski has written: 'Decision making by consensus in Poland'
Decision making is the process by which a decision is made. Communicating, when it comes to decision making, is the way the information about that decision is distributed to ensure everyone is aware.
The purpose of the decision making process is to ensure that you have considered all possible options and are satisfied with the choices you are making.