This question can reference a number of House and Senate organization methods or political units. Congressional seats for the lower house are determined by population through the use of districting. Membership divisions include by party, caucus, and committee.
The Representatives of each state are proportional to that state's population. California has 53 Representatives and several states have only 1.
The party caucus system is an important influence because it selects the Committee members. The selected members head the committees in each chamber.
The United States Senate has equal membership from each state. The Senate is comprised of two Senators from each of the fifty states.
Your Mother.
Some advantages of the committee system include: Congress does not focus on one issue and the committee system allows for a deeper look at each of the bills that are proposed before they are sent to either the full attendance of the House of Representatives or the Senate. One disadvantage of the system, however, is the leader of the committee is chosen by seniority, not knowledge of the issue.
party members from each state
The majority party appoints the chairs and determines the membership of the committees. The chair has a lot of control over what the committee does.
The majority party appoints the chairs and determines the membership of the committees. The chair has a lot of control over what the committee does.
The number of republicans and democrats on each committee are decided by the majority party. The party with more senators or representatives has more members on each committee.
majority party of each house
It is true that each party has a committee in each state.
mass meeting committee
The majority party in each house chooses the heads of committees by secret vote in a party caucus
The majority party in each house appoints the committee chairs and has a majority of the committee members, giving them control over the committee's agenda, priorities, and decisions. This allows them to influence which bills are considered, how they are debated, and whether they move forward for a full vote by the chamber.
Who ever is the coolest gets to go to the party
Your mother
The two main political parties in the House and Senate assign Members to committees, using a three-stage process. * Stage One - Member requests: At the beginning of a new Congress, Members request assignments to the committees they prefer. The incumbent Members (those who are not new) usually keep the committee assignments they have because they have expertise and seniority. * Stage Two - Party approval: Each political party uses a committee in charge of committee assignments to recommend assignments. This committee on committees matches the Member requests with available committee seats, prepares and approves an assignment slate for each committee, and submits all slates to the full party for approval. The full party meets to approve the recommendations. * Stage Three - Full Chamber approval: Each committee (now made up of members from each political party) submits its slate to the full Chamber for approval. When a committee member resigns or is assigned to another committee, all of Congress is notified.