the leader is actually not chosen, it is actually the man _ or woman - with the higher power, they just dominate the country pretty much, pretty much its the person with the biggest stick, the one who can control the country, the one that can actually frighten people and set them straight.
They are chosen by the people. But it depends on what country you are in. most countries like china, Brazil, and Spain. countries like that are chosen by the ruler before. Like if it was there uncle they will possibly be chosen from the blood.But places like here in Alabama we vote for our ruler and our votes will decide who the leader is for our state. It is almost like voting for our president but we are voting for someone to lead one state; our state.
In the United States, the 'popular vote' is utilized.
An authoritarian government is usually evidence of single-party rule.
yes totalitarianism is a form of authoritarian government,because it involve absolute power and authority without caring the which of people.
a socialist leader is chosen by the citizens in a democratic election.
totalitarian authoritarian dictatorship
A: the Sumerian leader is chosen by it's people.
the people of china voted to elected the government
An authoritarian, autocratic,dictatorial, or tyrannical leader.
malaysian government will have politics!
In the United States, the 'popular vote' is utilized.
An authoritarian government is usually evidence of single-party rule.
ofcourse not...representative government and authoritarian government are totally opposites, while everyone as equal rights and say in governmenyt in a representative government, only the ruler or leader has complete control over everyone in an authoritarian government.
YES, TRUE. The two types of authoritarian governments are dictatorships and totalitarianism. So yes, it's an authoritarian government.
Yes, it is an excellent example of an authoritarian government.
An authoritarian government usually has the effect of limiting the growth of the prosperity of that society.
If you didn't like the leader, you could be killed. Also, people couldn't vote for the leader they wanted, the leader was chosen by the government.