The best way to get rid of a calus is to file it off with a nail file.
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A mobile file cabinet can be easily moved from room to room. This is particularly useful in office that must share one set of paper files between many people.
Minuting is a brief note written by an officers on the matter usually in a file.
Tickler file?
Can you file bankruptcy if you caused a car accident?
If you filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in MI and it is discharged, you can amend whatever document you want at any time. It does not matter whether it is during the process of bankruptcy or after the discharge.
If it is not a secured debt it will be included in the bankruptcy discharge.
Yes. Bankruptcy does not change you absolute legal obligation to file taxes.
This will be considered an asset. You cannot file bankruptcy if you have a number of assets that can be used to pay your creditors. Depending on the amount of the settlement, you should wait years to file bankruptcy.
Yes, you are eligible for a discharge every 8 years.
Yes, but not until your discharge. If you take money out of a 401K after you file and before discharge, the money is no longer exempt and could be taken by the Trustee. If you take it out after your discharge the money is yours.
The issue needs to discussed with an attorney who is qualified in bankruptcy litigation. Personal injury lawsuits are halted by the automatic stay when a BK is filed. However, it is not uncommon for personal injury suits and/or judgments to be excluded from a bankruptcy discharge.
That depends on your situation. If you have filed but not received discharge of debt, then you may refile immediately. If you filed for chapter 7 and received discharge of debt, then you can file eight years after discharge date for chapter 7. If filed under chapter 13 and received discharge of debt, can refile after two years for same chapter 13. If the first bankruptcy, C. 7, was dismissed for cause, you have to wait 180 days before refiling. If you file a C. 7 and get a discharge, you can file a C, 13 immediately after the 7 is closed, called a "Chapter 20" by bankruptcy lawyers who know what they are talking about.
Some strict limitations have been set by the new bankruptcy law. Debtors will not be able to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy if they've been through a Chapter 7 within eight years of the new filing. If they want to file for Chapter 13, they will not receive a discharge within two years of a previous Chapter 13 discharge and within four years if they were discharged from a Chapter 7, 11 or 12 bankruptcy.
You would need to file a motion to object to discharge of bankruptcy with the bankruptcy court where the bankruptcy case was filed. The form typically used for this purpose is known as the "Motion to Object to Discharge" and can usually be found on the court's website or obtained from the court clerk. It is important to follow the specific rules and procedures of the court when filing this motion.
Yes, but the creditor might file an adversary proceeding to object to the discharge if the debt was fraudulently incurred.