There were not many channels available in the 1950's and the channels that were available would shut down every evening. This left very little television time. Families watched maybe one hour a day.
The average American female lives until about the age of 80. The average male American lives until about 78. So the average American lives until about 79, but maybe a little less because these answers were rounded to the nearest whole number. Also, it completely depends on when you were born. These answers are for someone born in 2000.
Randy Brock
I would say that the automobile was the transportation development that had the greatest long-term impact on the American economy. Just think of all the things that its invention affected--tourism, hotels, construction businesses, etc. Plus, the autombile is still affecting the American economy today.
On average about 20 months.
It is estimated that the resession started in Dec 2007.
the average watch was about 20 minutes
Keyword: watch batteryQuestion: How long does a average watch battery last? This is a very good question. The average watch battery can last at least a year or so but it all depends on the particular brand of watch you are using.
American Federation of Labor ended in 1955.
On average 10-12 years.
The average time for an American movie is around 2 hours and 30 min.
The average American keeps his new car about 3-5 years. American Honda Sales Consultant
It is estimated that the average American will spend six months of their lives waiting at red lights. or
Male American Crocodiles can average 14 feet long and weigh over 800 lbs and the female american crocodile can average 9.8 feet long and weigh over 350 lbs. The american alligator can reach 11 feet long and weigh 500 lbs (for the male) the female can reach 8.5 feet long and weigh a little over 200 lbs.
TOO LONG! 17% of our lives are spent waiting.
Average woman's wrist is 7" so my guess would be about 7".
A 6-minute mile is fast and long for an average American human being.