There's a federal law that states if merchandise is delivered to you that you did not order, it's yours to keep.
Yes the president should keep certain personal secrets.
Foreign goods have a tariff placed on them by the federal government, this is done primarily to keep cheap goods from shutting down domestic businesses.
they wanted to keep slavery
keep government close to the people
An expired passport can be used when applying for a new one.
No, you should not keep goods that have been wrongly delivered to you. You need to return the package to the shipper.
I have no idea what "wrongly kissing your husband" means, the mind boggles. The mouth and its various parts heal very quickly. Saliva sees to that, Keep an eye on it but I think it should be OK.
It is good for the Irish economy. It helps to keep jobs in the companies selling those goods.
When involved in direct exporting you keep control about what is happening with the goods or services provided by you or your company. You keep to a certain extend some level of control. With indirect exporting you do not have control, it is left to the agent, importer, commissionaire or other to decide what happens with the goods or services delivered to them.
Australians should be buying Australian made goods to keep jobs in Australia and to keep the money in Australia.
All Australians should be buying Australian made goods to create jobs for Australians and to keep the money in the country.
Tesco should keep many facilities for the customer so that their goods will be sold out.
Keep warm
On multi-drop deliveries, the first pallet to be delivered should be the last pallet to be loaded on the lorry. Heavy pallets, being delivered to more than one site, should be alternatively loaded on both sides to keep the weight evenly placed across the lorry once some of the pallets have been off-loaded and delivered. This is done to prevent the lorry leaning with too many heavy pallets on one side when moving off to the next delivery.
On multi-drop deliveries, the first pallet to be delivered should be the last pallet to be loaded on the lorry. Heavy pallets, being delivered to more than one site, should be alternatively loaded on both sides to keep the weight evenly placed across the lorry once some of the pallets have been off-loaded and delivered. This is done to prevent the lorry leaning with too many heavy pallets on one side when moving off to the next delivery.
increase tarrifs to keep out foreign manufactored goods!
A business' excess inventory needs depend greatly on the shelf life of those goods and the rate at which they are sold. As an example, a deli should not keep a large quantity of excess with meat that can spoil, but an electronics store may wish to keep a large excess in smaller electronic goods such as mobile phone chargers, as these have long shelf-lives and are sold more frequently.